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First RiVAA SF Bay Area Meetup

Arati Nagaraj (ISC ‘88)

The San Francisco Bay Area meet-up on May 6th attracted upwards of 55 people spanning years ranging from 1980 to 2011.

Siddhartha (sir) was very happy to meet everyone in person and the lively discussions on a broad set of topics. For those of you who were unable to attend, we enjoyed a relaxed afternoon of food and drink - a short presentation on RiVAA's mission and vision, RV summer internship program overview, followed by Siddharth (sir) talking about RV. There were few gasps when he spoke about the dairy being closed down, and much laughter when he mentioned that he repeats to many inquiring parents that RV actually doesn’t offer horse riding.

Where do we go from here?

We're hopeful that yesterday's energy and enthusiasm can be translated to future gatherings. A Bay Area Whatsapp group has been created. We will also follow up with Rishi Valley administration on various action items that came out of the meet-up.

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