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Rishi Valley School Hospital Project Sponsored by Students of the Batch of ISC 1988

Chatura, Sivaram, Arati (ISC '88)

The health and wellbeing of Rishi Valley students has always held great importance. The hospital at Rishi Valley served the school well and the presence of the resident doctor and nurse was a source of great comfort to all. Unfortunately, with the coming of the monsoons in November 2015, the structure sustained irreversible damage and had to be replaced.

ISC 1988 came together as a group and worked with RVS to determine the scope and timeline of this project. Funding for the construction was raised in record time of nine months starting March 2016. RiVAA’s platform helped to streamline the donations process for the overseas contributors and the fundraising target of 20 lakhs was exceeded and a total of Rs. 23 lakh was raised.

Today, the new hospital structure comprises two storeys. The ground floor (1692 sq.ft) consists of a consulting room, dispensary and an emergency room. The upper floor (1162 Sq. ft) will provide residential quarters for the medical doctor. The hospital was inaugurated on 18 November, 2017 during the Alumni Meet in Rishi Valley.

14 students from ICSE 1986/ISC 1988 were at the Alumni Meet in November 2017. Dr. Kumaraswamy did the honors by installing a plaque to commemorate the occasion. Alumni got to see the completed building and now it is open for students and the doctors.

Here are pictures of the construction.

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