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RiVAA is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization (EIN: 81-2861072). All donations are tax deductible to the full extent allowable under IRS regulations. We are entirely volunteer based and rely on sponsors and donors to fund our programs. Thank you for considering donating to RiVAA. We truly appreciate it!
To maximize impact of your contribution to RiVAA and reduce processing fees please use "electronic check" setup from "bill pay" feature of your online banking. Send checks to:
Rishi Valley Alumni Association, Inc. (RiVAA)
PO Box 270278, Hartford, WI 53027
Be sure to include a note telling us how to direct your gift (Hoopoe House Fund, Campus Rainwater Harvesting System, Rural Education or Rural Health Center), batch (example: ISC '87) and your email address, so we can send you a tax deduction receipt.
Please note all donations are in U. S. Dollars.
To make a gift online, please click the “PayPal” button below to donate. Please write a note specifying how to direct your gift (Hoopoe House Fund, Campus Rainwater Harvesting System, Rural Education or Rural Health Center) and your batch (example: ISC '90).. Thank you!
Matching organizations include: Benevity, GE Foundation, Truist/Fronstream.
(Please note that there is a 2.2% + $0.30 charge per transaction using PayPal).

If you have any questions regarding sponsorships or donations, please contact us at
donate AT rivaa dot org
Payment options per region
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