Our Mission:
The Rishi Valley Alumni Association seeks to foster an active community of all Rishi Valley School alumni in the United States; and provide goodwill and support for initiatives at Rishi Valley that have lasting impact.
Our Objectives:
Provide funding and resources to projects centered on upliftment of health, education and environment in the rural regions surrounding the Rishi Valley School campus.
Connect Rishi Valley School alumni in the US and bring them together to support initiatives at Rishi Valley.
Our Story:
In the Spring of 2016, a few RV alumni including Naresh Bharadwaj, Swami Nathan and Ramana Mulpury from the ISC 1987 batch got together and decided to figure out ways to bring RV alumni in the US together and support projects specifically focused on uplift of rural health, education and environment in the region surrounding Rishi Valley School. From this, RiVAA was founded and registered as a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization in the state of Wisconsin, USA. Fundraising for RiVAA’s initiatives and outreach to the alumnus is conducted by a coordinator for each graduating batch (ISC equivalent)
About Rishi Valley School:
The Rishi Valley School (RVS) established by the Krishnamurti Foundation of India (KFI) in 1931 is situated over the 375 acres in the spectacular setting surrounded by ancient hills and tiny villages within the Chittoor District of Andhra Pradesh in India, nearby the town of Madanapalle. More information is available at: www.rishivalley.org and www.rvs.org

Thanks to Dr. Kartik Kalyanram for his inspiration and support.
This project wouldn't have been possible without the support of Dr. Kumaraswamy, Dr. Radhika Herzberger, Siddharth Menon and Mr. Sailendran.
Huge shout-out to Margarita Figueroa for developing the website and putting up with all the change requests.
A big thank you to Dr. Sumana Reddy for her continued support and guidance.